Welcome to the
Kolping Society of Brooklyn
Message from the Brooklyn Kolping Family
Thanks for taking a minute to learn about the Brooklyn Kolping Society!
The Catholic Kolping Society of Brooklyn is a fraternal organization founded by and based on the ideals of Blessed Adolph Kolping (1813-1865). He was ordained in 1845 and ministered to many young workers in Cologne, Germany. Many of these young men were far from their families and Father Kolping sought to bring them together for activities. He established a choir, which in a few short years evolved into the Young Workingmen’s Society, or Gesellenverein. Now commonly known as the Kolping Society, it emphasizes family life and the dignity of labor.
The Kolping Society is open to all Christians. We exist to support our members to be the best Christians, spouses, parents, workers and citizens possible.
The Brooklyn Kolping Family was founded in 1924, and a short history appears on this page.
We are an inclusive organization that celebrates diversity.
Look for us on Facebook—Catholic Kolping Society of Brooklyn.
We welcome anyone who is interested to join us at one of our scheduled events. If you like what you see, hear and experience at Kolping we invite you to apply for membership.
Charity Project:
Our charity focus is on ending hunger. We primarily support food pantries at two nearby parishes, St. Matthias (Ridgewood, Queens) and Blessed Sacrament (Cypress Hills, Brooklyn) by collecting staple food items and raising monetary funds to donate. We also contribute to Churches and organizations in our area, and support such varied causes as: The Queens Veteran’s Day Parade, Angela’s House, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Volunteers of America Operation Backpack and The New York Steuben Day Parade. Contributions are welcome to support these worthy causes.
These are worthy causes and we hope you will support our efforts!
Curious? The Brooklyn Kolping Family welcomes visitors and encourages new members. Why not check us out…you might just want to join us!
Our Mission Statement: We, the members of the Catholic Kolping Society of Brooklyn extend the vision of our founder, Blessed Adolph Kolping, by promoting the development of the individual and the family; we foster a sense of belonging and friendship through our program of spiritual, educational, charitable and social activities.
Warm regards to all and Treu Kolping,
Bill Conte
Officers & Contact
Praeses – Rev. Fr. Christopher R. Heanue
President – William Conte
Vice President – Jessica Meyer
Contact: Kolping.brooklyn@gmail.com
6504 Myrtle Avenue
Glendale, NY 11385-6250

Kolping members at our 100th Anniversary Mass, April 27, 2024

Kolping Hall
Kolping Hall

The second floor became our new home in 1974.
History of Brooklyn Kolping
After the questions of whether or not a society of this type would be at all feasible and able to exist in Brooklyn, and if enough young men would be interested in the ideas of Father Kolping, were answered in the affirmative, Mr. Schwartzenberg, the moderator of this gathering, proclaimed the society founded, and the election of officers began.
Fr. George Metzger, Pastor of Holy Trinity Church, became interested in our new society, and on February 17, 1924 became the first official Praeses. From that time, until the purchase of our own home, the meetings took place in the school hall at Holy Trinity.
With financial assistance from our New York Society brothers, the Kolping House on Wierfield Street in Ridgewood became our first permanent home and on August 11, 1925, the first meeting was held there.
In 1927, the Ladies Auxiliary, without whose faithful assistance the society could not have functioned at its fullest, was founded.
In 1937 on land provided for us by Fr. Eugene Erny, a new venture was undertaken; a summer home to be built at Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island. The structure was built and finished by the members alone. The land on which the building stood was later purchased by the society.
In the meantime, the house on Wierfield Street had become unsuitable for our purposes. In August, 1973 we acquired our present home on Myrtle Avenue. After some remodeling, this new house, boasting a huge meeting hall and a large kitchen, was ready and in January, 1974, we celebrated our 50th Anniversary with a gala affair.
During the past decades, we survived two fires at our center and we continue with many activities including monthly dinners, Communion Breakfasts and special dinner dances. On April 10, 1999 we celebrated our 75th Anniversary with a dinner dance featuring a roaring 20’s theme. Our Praeses is Rev. J. VonKerssenbrock, Evelyn Blatz is the President and Steve Wenzler is the National Board Member.
The minutes of the first meeting in 1924 ended with the following words, and how true they still ring today, When, during a space of time, a group of people, who have the same ideals work together, they combine their efforts to achieve a certain goal.” This has been our guide for 75 years and will continue as such as long as there is a Catholic Kolping Society of Brooklyn.
National Kolping Families
United States
National Officers
Kolping Society
at the United Nations
United States Kolping Families
National Kolping Society
P.O. Box 76008
Highland Heights, KY 41076